Animal Farm (1945)
Animal Farm is a satirical
allegory directed against Stalin's Russia. Led by the pigs, the Animals
on Mr Jones's farm revolt against their human masters. After their victory
they decide to run the farm themselves on egalitarian principles. The pigs
become corrupted by power and a new tyranny is established under Napoleon
(Stalin). Snowball (Trotsky), an idealist, is driven out. The final betrayal
is made when the pigs engineer a rapproachement with Mr Jones. The book
was originally rejected for publication by T.S.Eliot in 1944, but has gained
since its appearance in 1945 a status of a classic. - Film adaptation from
1955 was a faithful rendition of Orwell's original work, but watered in
the end the satire, and presented a socialist viewpoint: the system is
good, but the individuals are corruptible.