Julia is a women around 25,
and she works in a special department of the Minitrue, producing cheap
Pornography for the proles. She had already a couple of illegal love affairs.
Unlike Winston, she is basically a simple woman, something of a lightweight
who loves her man and uses sex for fun as well as for rebellion. She is
perfectly willing to accept the overnight changes in Oceania's history
and doesn't trouble her pretty head about it. If Big Brother says black
is white, fine. If he says two and two make five, no problem. She may not
buy the Party line, but it doesn't trouble her. She falls asleep over Winston's
reading of the treasured book by Goldstein. Orwell draws Winston's love
object lovingly. Julia is all woman, sharp and funny as she is attractive,
but she may also be a reflection of the author's somewhat limited view
of the opposite sex.