Songs of Innocence & Songs of
Experience by William Blake
- Songs of Innocence was
the first of Blake's illuminated books
published in 1789. The poems and artwork were reproduced with
watercolor made by hand. In 1794 he expanded the book to include Songs
of Experience. It's full of flowers, lambs, children. The Poem
speak about childwhood as the symbol of innocence, a atte of soul
connected with freedom and immagination.
Songs of Experienceis
the second part of Songs of
Innocence and of Experience: Shewing the Two Contrary States of the
Human Soul (first published in 1794), an expansion of Blake's first
illuminated book Songs of Innocence. The poems and artwork were
reproduced with watercolor made by hand. In this poem (opposed to
Songs of Innocence) we can find a more pessimistic view of life, it's
often identified with adulthood.
Blake republished Songs
of Innocence and Experience several times, often changing the
number and order of the plates.
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